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Organizing Your Mindset

One popular definition of mindset is "a disposition, attitude or mood." That being said, it makes sense that clearing your mind of clutter goes a long way in helping you get more organized. Let's face it - when you're not clear-headed, it's very difficult to practice organizational skills. Keep reading to find out more about organizing your mindset. There is no reason to put it off for another day.

Write Down Your Feelings

One of the best ways to clear your mind of clutter is to take the time to write down your feelings. You can either do this in a journal that you keep, or a piece of paper that you throw away once you're finished. Recent studies indicate that jotting down negative thoughts really does help to clear your mind and make you feel better.


More and more stressed-out individuals are using meditation to clear the clutter in their heads. When life is hectic, do you ever feel as though you're having a non-stop conversation (with yourself) in your head? If so, it's nothing to panic about. Many people experience the same thing. Meditation allows you to focus on a single thing, which in turn helps to corral your thoughts when they start to wonder.

Go for a Run

Not only does running help to eliminate a cluttered mind, it also benefits your body in several other ways. Listening to music when you run is even more beneficial. Why? A Ohio State University study recently discovered that when someone exercises with music, it activates the area in the brain that deals with a higher level of mental function. Participants who had the advantage of listening to music did better on fluency tests than those who did not.

Take a Nap

Taking a nap, even a short one, goes a long way in clearing up mental fatigue and clutter in the mind. Believe it or not, taking a ten-minute nap helps to increase both productivity and alertness. Getting a good night's sleep is all the better. So, the next time you're feeling mentally overwhelmed, chances are that taking a short nap will help you to be more organized for the rest of the day.

Spend Time with a Pet

For most people, pets aren't just animals - they're beloved members of the family. Spending time with your favorite pet elevates your mood and makes it easier to get through the day. In the event that you don't have a pet, take a few minutes to watch one of the thousands of cute pet videos on the internet. You'll get a dose of cuteness without any strings attached.

Do you have a better idea in regard to some of the ways to organize your mindset? Great! Taking advantage of some of these tips should help you get more organized overall. You'll soon see that this is beneficial to both your work and personal lives. Even if you're currently the most disorganized person you know, it's not impossible to change... with a little help from your mindset. Why not get started today?

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